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Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoos – Three

Zanda funerea

645mm x 980mm

Edition of 30


Shining Bronze Cuckoo

Chryscoccyx lucidus

200mm x 290mm

Edition of 30


Masked Lapwing Chick

Vanellus miles

160mm x 160mm

Edition of 30


Tasmanian Native Hen Chick

Tribonyx mortierii

175mm x 175mm

Edition of 30

Yellow-Throated Honeyeaters

Lichenostomus flavicollis

320mm x 425mm

Edition of 30


Southern Boobook on Mossy Branch

Ninox novaeseelandiae

310mm x 405mm

Edition of 30


Scrubtits on Pepperberry

Print not available

Forty Spotted Pardalotes

Pardalotus quadragintus

260mm x 375mm

Edition of 30


Female Scarlet Robin on Rock

Petroica boodang

250mm x 310mm

Edition of 30


Superb Fairywren Pair on Bracken Fern

Print not available

Azure Kingfisher on Mossy Branch

Ceyx azureus subspecies diemenensis

220mm x 315mm

Edition of 30


Male Superb Fairywren

Malurus cyaneus

220mm x 270mm

Edition of 30


Juvenile Green Rosellas

Platycercus caledonicus

380mm x 520mm

Edition of 30


Flame Robin on Gum

Petroica phoenicea

345mm x 460mm

Edition of 30


Beautiful Firetail on Casuarina

Print not available

Wedge Tailed Eagles on Mossy Branches

Aquila audax

Print not available

Azure Kingfisher & Kangaroo Fern

Ceyx azureus

463mm x 363mm

Edition of 30


Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos In Flight

Zanda funerea

1150mm x 765mm

Edition of 30


Blue & Yellow Macaws

Ara ararauna

1510mm x 810mm

Edition of 30


Green Rosella

Platycercus caledonicus

370mm x 500mm

Edition of 30


Hooded Plover Chick

Thinornis rubricollis

140mm x 140mm

Grey Goshawk – White Morph

Accipiter novaehollandae

450mm x 660mm

Edition of 30


Superb Fairywren on Love Creeper

Malurus cyaneus

210mm x 300mm

Edition of 30

Southern Emu Wrens on Coral Fern

Stipiturus malachurus

265mm x 420mm

Edition of 30


Crescent Honeyeaters & Deciduous Fagus

Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus

425mm x 575mm

Edition of 30


Tasmanian Masked Owl Portrait

Typo novaehollandiae castanops

460mm x 600mm

Edition of 30


Eastern Spinebills & Tasmanian Waratah

Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

300mm x 450mm

Edition of 30


Wedge Tailed Eagle Portrait

Aquila audax

655mm x 970mm

Edition of 30


Welcome Swallow Fledglings

Hirundo neoxena

195mm x 262mm

Edition of 30


Peregrine Falcon

Falco peregrinus

385mm x 600mm

Edition of 30


Spotted Pardalotes on Prickly Bushpea

Pardalotus punctatus

220mm x 318mm

Edition of 30


New Holland Honeyeaters on Banksia Serrata

Phylidonyris novaehollandiae

350mm x 510mm

Edition of 30


Tasmanian Masked Owl Pair

Typo novaehollandiae castanops

510mm x 687mm

Edition of 30


Musk Lorikeets

Glossopsitta concinna

335mm x 500

Edition of 30


Pink Robin

Petroica rodinogaster

205mm x 270mm

Edition of 30


Scarlet Macaws

Ara macao

Edition of 30

Scarlet Robin

Petroica boodang

240mm x 396mm

Edition of 30


Superb Fairywren on Branch

Malurus cyaneus

262mm x 343mm

Wedge Tailed Eagle – Single

Aquila audax

1100mm x 770mm

Edition of 30


Wedge Tailed Eagle – Pair

Aquila audax

1155mm x 800mm

Edition of 30


Welcome Swallow

Hirundo neoxena

208mm x 240mm

Edition of 30


White Bellied Sea Eagles

Halliaeetus leucogaster

960mm x 720mm

Edition of 30


Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos on Banksia Marginata

Xanda funerea

1084mm x 800mm

Edition of 30